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/ Amiga Format CD 11 / Amiga Format AFCD11 (Feb 1997, Issue 95).iso / fonts / courier / 10 / courier-10.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1997-01-31  |  17KB
Labels: bulletin board | door | fence | person | reckoner | sky
OCR: abcde fghi iklmno pqr tuvwxyz AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUWXYZ 0123456789 @#$%^6*( <.[]{}|\":;/? The quick brown fox jumps Ovr the lazy dog 18 The quick brown fox jumps the lazy 60p The quick brown + ump the lazy dog The. qui 3: br WIL ump TEI the. lazy 6o P The qui r br g WIL Ump TE.I t.he 60 THE bT o WTL 1P THE bi r1 up znxMAn s1hd umps oveI